RA Blog week Day 5
October 01, 2017
Great blogs I have read this week.
And I am a few days late and a dollar short. Normal for me. I wanted to be able to read more of the blogs and make good comments but I can see that this will take a while for me.
I would like to thank Rick at radiabetes.com for putting the Blog week together. I have used his links in the past to follow some of the blogs. So some of the writers were familiar. I also have found some new blogs that I will return to.
It is amazing at how many people share their stories and wisdom. They share laughter and tears. I am very happy to know that I am not alone.
I also want to say thank you to some of you that have helped me learn and not holler at me for little mistakes on Twitter and Instagram. And for my husband helping to figure out how to put photos on the blog.
Lene has been one that I have followed for a while. I like her wisdom and her photography. JG Chayko paints beautiful pictures with her words. https://phat50chick.wordpress.com/ I almost feel connection with. I am older but I like to ski too.
http://www.sicknitter.com/ and http://arthritiswisdom.com/ are two new ones that I will go visit again.
Thank you for those that stopped by to visit. And for my close friends that encouraged me.