Day 10
Day 12

Day 11

I chased the boys out of bed and out the door early.  I wanted to go to the commissary, bx, haircuts and pick up their skis and get them back home for their Saturday chores.  We found my mom at the BX and Chris pushed her cart through the commissary for her. I could not get their haircuts on base because you have to be 16 to be left for a haircut.  I thought that was little extreme and decided to take our business elsewhere.

We picked up their season rentals of skis, boots and poles.  I think soon Chris should be done growing and we might be able to buy him boots.  If his foot does not stop growing he will not need skis, his boots will be enough. We are getting the ski fever around here.  It has been cold the last week and snowing in the mountains.

The boys headed out to do their chores and I stayed in the kitchen.  I made salsa.  The salsa I make is meant to be shared so that was my gift for the day.  I sent a jar for my neighbors friend that really likes the salsa.  She had sent us fresh tomatoes from her garden this summer.

I also had a little fun putting together a gift for my neighbor.  Sometimes you should do things just for the fun of it.

Have a Grace day.


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